Monday, 9 April 2012

Turn Your Wallpaper Into A Flickr Slideshow With Flickr My Wallpaper [Android]

It's quite surprising how much we can do with our smartphones today. A decade or so ago we were still using relatively simplistic devices that could only talk and maybe text, but today our phones have about as much computing power as an entire desktop computer did back then, if not more. With that amount of computing power, you can do almost anything your heart desires, including some pretty neat tricks with your wallpaper. About Flickr my Wallpaper Flickr my Wallpaper is a small app for Android devices that essentially downloads images from Flickr and displays them as your wallpaper. After a certain amount of time has passed, it'll switch to another one. Since there are plenty of high-quality images on Flickr that it can download and use, it sounds like a pretty awesome idea! Download and Installation You can download and install the application by going to the Play Store (formerly Android Market) and searching for "Flickr my Wallpaper", or by simply following this link using your phone which will then redirect you to the correct application in the Play Store. Hit the magic button and you're done! Initial Start You can find the application where you find all the others, and when you launch it, you'll be sent to the Live Wallpapers screen, where you'll find all your current live wallpapers along with an entry for Flickr my Wallpaper. By choosing Flickr my Wallpaper, you'll be shown how it works with an example wallpaper that it will set. It seems pretty cool, and you can set it and forget it right here. But using some of the application's more advanced features may benefit you even more. Settings If you'd like to snoop around the settings a bit before setting "Flickr my Wallpaper" as your live wallpaper, you'll find that it offers some nice bells and whistles. Flickr Tags For example, you'll see that you can opt to using Flickr tags, narrowing down the possible images that the application comes up with. If you're into airplanes, you can enable the option and type in "airplanes" when you tap on "Flickr tag". Since the above option mentions tags instead of tag, I assume that you can enter in multiple tags, all separated by commas. Slideshow While the Flickr tag option is enabled, you can choose to turn your wallpaper into an hourly slideshow by selecting the next option, "Show new photo every hour". This way, you'll get to enjoy a new photo from Flickr every hour, and you'll never get bored with a constant wallpaper that never changes. The only problem I see with this is that, in case you chose airplanes as your Flickr tag, you might eventually get tired of seeing airplanes, but that's easily fixed by changing or altogether removing the tag(s) you entered. Other Options Below those options, you can choose to download the images over WiFi only, as well as check for new updates for the application if you don't trust the automatic update detection mechanism. That's all there is to it, but what more could you really want? Conclusion I find Flickr my Wallpaper to be a very nice little application to spice up your phone through hourly wallpaper updates with whatever you'd like. I find it to have enough features, but who knows what the developers or other people may come up with. Either way, this will definitely be in my app collection for a long time. Do you think you'll use Flickr my Wallpaper? What would you like to see added, if anything? Let us know in the comments!

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