Monday, 9 April 2012

Pique Your Interest With These Wikis On 4 Fictional Post-Apocalyptic Worlds

Have you ever jumped on the wiki of your favorite show or book series, and then fell into a content-saturated time warp? You know what I'm talking about – something like that classic TVTropes black-hole. What I like about wikis is that they may fill in gaps that viewers or readers may have missed along the way – names that have been forgotten, back stories, and even critical plot elements. With all that being said, I thought I'd throw another set of wikis at you. But this time, we're coming out with a post-apocalyptic  flavor. Included are several universes that are already fairly popular these days, but there is a chance you have not gotten into a few of them. Wikis seem to be the best kind of preview. The Hunger Games Wiki I've talked a little about my girlfriend Ashleigh before , and she recently surprised me by taking me out to see the Hunger Games. Although it's not exactly date movie material, our love shined through even with all the death and violence that surrounded it. Maybe we're just a couple that likes to watch the world burn. (As a note, I consider the Hunger Games to be post-apocalyptic due to it's war-related nature.) Besides that, the famed book and now movie series has lots of plot material within it. This is the kind of story that can be told from different perspectives, and I'd consider a wiki to actually be one of those points of view. If you've just read the book, it may help you understand backstories that are beyond Katniss' inner-monologue. On the other hand, if you've just seen the movie, it may help you understand the backstories of characters that are seen within the film. Adventure Time Wiki Maybe I'm just weird, but even at my age, I'm a fan of Adventure Time. (Please don't judge me.) However, underlying what appears to be an oddball fairy-tale adventure about a boy and his dog is a dark, sinister backstory: Adventure Time is about a post-apocalyptic world. If you (or rather, your children) happen to fancy Adventure Time, you'll be able to discover the ins and outs of the Land of Ooo and the "Mushroom War" it occasionally mentions on the show (likely due to certain types of bombs used). The wiki was actually what allowed me to discover that Adventure Time is actually in a post-apocalyptic setting, and it's also where I first found a picture of the destroyed Earth that it is located on. Fallout Wiki Back in the day, I was a Fallout 3 junkie. (Granted, I'm not an old-school Fallout guy… but I highly respect it and wish I could play it eventually.) However, the entire Fallout universe is full of plots and characters – almost too many to see for the duration of a game. Fortunately, the Fallout wiki can help you out. I spent quite a bit of time there researching characters that I had not been able to meet as well as locations that I had never seen. Simply put, this wiki is kind of a Fallout cheat sheet for every single game . Furthermore, even if you aren't into gaming, the story itself is worth checking out. Basically, you can experience Fallout without even having to experience the game. The Walking Dead Wiki Zombies may be your flavor of post-apocalyptia, and what better world to dive into than that of the Walking Dead? This wiki covers the entirety of the Walking Dead universe including the comics, the novels, and the show. However, what's interesting about this wiki is that it updates as the series itself , so in essence, the wiki morphs as much as the show itself does. Once again, in a universe with a complex plot-line and many characters, this is perfect for those of you that have forgotten certain plot-lines or turning points. Furthermore, this is great for new viewers who haven't had a great way to play catch-up. So with that being said, if you're trying to get some friends into the Walking Dead universe (whatever media it may be), I would direct them here first. Conclusion If you're looking for a good post-apocalyptic story and haven't quite dived into any or all of these, a post apocalyptic wiki might be a good place to start in order to see if it's something you'd like to check out. As a matter of fact, I typically use wikis more than review sites. What other post-apocalyptic tales do you enjoy? How do wikis usually help you? Image Credit: kconners

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