Google Docs is a great service. At work, we often use it to collaborate on different ideas and plans. The only real problem with Google Docs was we could not really access them offline. Google Docs now has the option of being available for editing in offline mode. How to Set up Offline DocsGoogle Docs has pretty much become Google Drive. That means all your Google Documents and spread sheets are part of Google Drive. Log into your Google account and access your Google Drive on the browser. Click on the settings icon and from the drop down menu click on "Set up Docs offline". Now make sure you have the Google Drive web app installed on your Chrome browser. Click on "Enable offline Docs" button and your documents are made available offline. Unfortunately, the offline feature works only on the Chrome browser. Enable Offline Docs on Google AppsIf you have Google Apps for your organization then you might want to offline docs for your Google Apps account. Simply go over to the admin panel if you are the admin. Under services select Drive and Docs. A new option with title Offline allows you to check a box. Check it and click on Save. This should enable your Google Apps account users to enable their accounts to get offline docs. A Boost of Chrome OSHaving the ability to edit documents offline is extremely useful not just for regular Google Docs users but also for Chromebook owners. Chromebooks run on Chrome OS, which did not have much offline functionality. It should also give Chrome OS a lot more acceptability in time to come. What would be interesting is how Microsoft reacts as they pretty much have a stranglehold on the Office Enterprise software market and earn considerable revenues from Microsoft Office. A lot of users who do not exactly want the entire Microsoft Office suite of desktop applications could potentially move over to Google. Google Drive can also be accessed on Android, iPhone/iPad and desktops versions. Do drop in your comments. -- This Post How to Enable Offline Editing for Google Docs is Published on Devils Workshop . | |||
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Saturday, 30 June 2012
How to Enable Offline Editing for Google Docs
Friday, 29 June 2012
The Iconic Apple iPhone Turns 5 years Old
Steve Jobs walked onto the stage to introduce three new devices. They first one was a wide-screen iPod with touch controls, a revolutionary mobile phone and a breakthrough internet communicator. As he explained to the audience that they were not three separate devices by a single one called the iPhone. He claimed that "Apple was going to reinvent the phone". The iPhone was introduced in January 2007, but today (29th June) was the day when actual users first got their hands on the device. Serpentine queues outside stores from opening day were just signs of things to come. The iPhone today has a brand name that is unparalleled in the mobile phone business. It's success has also pushed Apple to become the world's most valuable company. The Touch EffectThe phone had no physical buttons, it had no stylus. It was a complete touchscreen phone. If you look at at smart-phones today, almost every single one of them is a touch screen phone. The original iPhone was not just a great product, it pretty much set the standard for all mobile phone manufacturers. The touch responsive screen of mobile phones also gave rise to exponential growth in 3rd party apps for smartphones Touchscreens becoming common place also did play a big part in the launch and success of iPad and tablet devices as a niche. Even though I prefer using Android, I cannot ignore the influence of iPhone on Android. If you look at the struggling phone manufacturers today which are Nokia and RIM. They both stuck with their touch pad phone models for far too long. Do drop in your comments. Related posts:
-- This Post The Iconic Apple iPhone Turns 5 years Old is Published on Devils Workshop . | |||
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Import Meebo Chat History to
We had written about alternatives to Meebo, among which is probably the most popular one. Thankfully, Meebo users can download their chat logs from their Meebo accounts. has a interesting option for Meebo users, they can import their Meebo chat logs into Just visit this link and download your meebo chat logs on your computer. Now sign-in to your account settings icon and access your preferences. In preferences you will be able to see the import link. Click on it and import your chat logs from Meebo. Make sure that you have linked the same accounts on which you had linked on Meebo. Video DemoHere is a quick video demo by on how to go about importing meebo chat history. Do drop in your comments. Link: Related posts:
-- This Post Import Meebo Chat History to is Published on Devils Workshop . | |||
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Thursday, 28 June 2012
Google releases Chrome for iOS platform
Today, at Google I/O Chrome has been released for the iOS platfrom. Chrome for iOS Feautures: The good, bad and uglyChrome app on iOS allows users to sync their bookmarks, browser tabs open across devices. Chrome app also is available for iPhone and iPad devices. That was the good part. The bad part is it will be slower that Safari which is native to iOS platform. Chrome also cannot be made the default browser on your iOS, because Apple does not allow any other browser except Safari to be the default browser. This means if you click a link in your email, only Safari will open and not Chrome. Now for the ugly reasons on why Chrome will be slower than Safari on iOS. Chrome was not allowed to use its own fast V8 JavaScript engine but had to use UIWebView. UIWebView is forced on all developers as a sand-boxed version of Apple's Nitro JavaScript version. This automatically renders all 3rd party browsers a lot slower than the native Safari. Considering how dominant Safari is because of iPhone success on mobile devices, this move by Apple looks a lot similar to Microsoft when it tried killing browsers on its own Windows platfrom to protect Internet Explorers back in the late 90s. I still think, a lot of Apple users who love Chrome will still use it, especially on iPad, where browsing with all your bookmarks and tabs synced could be useful. Check out Chrome for iOS and drop in your comments and views. Link: Chrome for iOS -- This Post Google releases Chrome for iOS platform is Published on Devils Workshop . | |||
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Stop getting useless notifications from a post on Facebook [How-to]
The latest trend on Facebook these days is to tag friends on a picture in order to get more likes and comments. Tagging friends on a picture is the best way to share it with large number of people on Facebook but most of the times it annoys users mainly because of the comment notifications they start getting after the tag. Well not just the post, you will start getting notifications even if you comment of someone's status, picture or any post. Let's see how you can stop such notifications. How to stop getting useless notifications?1. Open the picture or post you're tagged in or any other post where you've posted a comment. Once you click the 'Unfollow Post' link, you will be unsubscribed from that post and Facebook will not send any notification to you related to that post. Same thing can be done for tagged pictures as well. You will still be tagged but you will not get any notification. If you want to get notifications again; click on 'Follow Post'. This link will appear when you click on 'Unfollow Post'. So next time there's no need to remove a tag, you just have to click a link that's it. Related posts:
-- This Post Stop getting useless notifications from a post on Facebook [How-to] is Published on Devils Workshop . | |||
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Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Google+ Events Allows Users to Stream Photos Live
I have always felt that Facebook is not a better social network than Google+ because of it's features, but rather because of it is an incumbent and has 900 million users. Google+ almost always seems to be a few steps but doing things a little better than usual. Today, it launched Google+ Events at Google I/O. The idea for the feature is pretty much borrowed from Facebook but the execution is ten times better. It is similar to Facebook events in the way that we can add a event photos and updates from the event itself. Why Google+ Events is better than Facebook events?
Here is a video presentation of Google+ Events I think it will be a matter of time before Facebook does the same with its Event's page, but Google+ already has better mobile experience than Facebook (not to forget its very own Android OS running on millions of phones). So there is a real chance that Google+ will grow with time, as users will get social more from their phones rather than their computers. Do try out Google+ Events and drop in your comments. Related posts:
-- This Post Google+ Events Allows Users to Stream Photos Live is Published on Devils Workshop . | |||
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Personal Recipe ID 796534 was turned off
Hi ashmikutty, Personal Recipe ID 796534 has been automatically turned off. View Recipe ID 796534 The Recipe's fields may point to stale information or use Channels that need to be reactivated. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us. If you'd like to disable these automated alerts, head over to settings. -The IFTTT Team | ||
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5 Announcements Expected at Google I/O 2012
Google I/O 2012 seems to be the showcase event where Google, will roll-out a lot of new features, updates and more. Last year, Google did introduce Chromebooks, which although are not very successful commercially, has been a favourite among many schools and universities in US and Europe. This year too, there are a lot of expectations form Google I/O. Lets take a look at the 5 most anticipated announcements. 1. Android JellybeansEven though very few Android based smart-phones have Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich), all indicatoins suggest that Google will roll-out Android Jellybeans. It was only a rumour before, but recently it is more or less has become a confirmed announcement. Yesterday, Google confirmed Jellybeans, by unvieling this Jellybean filled Android statue on its laws. Android Jellybeans might be a sure thing but its version number is not yet confirmed. It could be Android 4.1 or even Android 5.0. That apart, Google will have to do something to get OEMs to push Android updates a lot faster than they have been doing, which has led to a sort of fragmentation. This fragmentation actually creates a lot of issues for developers, who are the heart and soul of the Android ecosystem. 2. Nexus 7Google has been rumoured for a long time to be working on releasing a tablet. The leaked specifications on Nexus 7, have rumour mills going that Google will pull off a low priced tablet that will run on Android Jellybeans. This would put is as a viable option to Amazon's Kindle Fire. Google might unveil a completely different tablet but whatever it does, it is probably a good step as Android based tablets are really not catching anyone's attentions at the moment. 3. Google DriveGoogle Drive was earlier but we have not seem many updates and improvement on it. At he moment Google Drive API works only for web apps which have to be installed from the Chrome webstore. This sort of makes Google Drive on the web only useful on Chrome. I guess they will roll out more features and options to make better use of Google Drive. 4. Google + MotorolaGoogle has recently acquired Motorola at a very heavy price. So there is a natural expectation that Google will put that talent to good use with a showcase new smartphone or a range of new phones in partnership with Motorola. At the moment its Nexus phone is sold by Samsung, while the Nexus 7 tablet seem to be built by Asus. Nothing heard about Motorola as yet, but pretty sure will hear something interesting about it. 5. Google+ Features and API accessGoogle+ was launched late last year but capture a great deal of media. People are already writing it off as a play where not one really visits. But with social media becoming more oriented towards mobile phones, Google+ might see some interesting new features. Most importantly, there is a chance Google+ API is made available for app developers. It was already rolled out to Flipboard, a mobile based feed reader app. Google I/O Curse for new announcements?Google has not always hit the bull's eye with all their announcements. If you remember duds like Google Wave, Google TV and to an extent Chromebooks have been all announced at previous Google I/O. Hopefully Google will a lot more success with their new products in 2012. Follow Google I/O 2012 on their official page where all the conferences will be streamed live. What do your expect from Google I/O over the next three days? Do drop in your comments. -- This Post 5 Announcements Expected at Google I/O 2012 is Published on Devils Workshop . | |||
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Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Is Firefox the best Android Browser? Yes!
This is when I started using Firefox on Android. The browser today is out of beta, interestingly beating out Chrome which is still in Beta. Firefox for Android Features
There are the other options like synchronizing bookmarks, passwords and history. The browser also seems to be pretty fast and emphasis is on minimal use of typing out stuff. Do try out Firefox on your Android phone and drop in your comments and views. Link: Firefox for Android Related posts:
-- This Post Is Firefox the best Android Browser? Yes! is Published on Devils Workshop . | |||
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Spice Mi-500 Stellar Horizon Price, Specifications, Review and …
Now you don't! - a subject never covered before - Image: http :// ( http :// Image: http :// ( http :// 20 minutes ago .... How To Delete Rss Feed Account From FeedBurner - If you want to delete Rss Feed Account From FeedBurner from your account, than follow the given below steps and you are done: 1.Log in to your FeedBurner A... 1 hour ago. Latest Top ... | |||
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Facebook Changes Your Contact Email to “”
Facebook does not necessarily have bad privacy options. It has a bad reputation regarding privacy options. This lack of trust is not going to reduce anytime soon, especially given the new stunt Facebook has pulled for all users. Facebook has quietly gone and changed the email address you left in your contact information, on your Facebook profile. So if you had left your contact email as , Facebook has conveniently hidden it and now only shows (username is your Facebook ID). Check and change back your contact email addressOn your profile, click on the About section as shown in the image above. As you can see, my email address has changed from my personal one to the one assigned by Facebook. Now change the settings of your Facebook address as not visible on Timeline. Change over the settings for your personal email as visible on Timeline. Make sure your email address is visible to only Friends – as you might accidentally make your personal email id as public. The problem is not really 'privacy' but when I put up my contact email address to show up on my Facebook profile, I would expect Facebook to notify me about the change in advance before changing it. This penchant of Facebook for changing settings and options for users without proper communication has actually made me use my Facebook profile more or less only for public updates. If I want to share my birthday photos with friends, I email them a link to it. And that email does not end with "". What are your views on Facebook changing which email of yours is to be seen? Do drop in your comments. Related posts:
-- This Post Facebook Changes Your Contact Email to "" is Published on Devils Workshop . | |||
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Monday, 25 June 2012
Nexus 7: New Tablet by Google! [Rumour]
It is that time of the year again, when rumours of new tablets and gadgets are abound. Google I/O Developer Conference is only days away and everyone expects it to roll out a new Nexus Tablet. According to Gizmodo Australia, the name, specs and price range for Google's tablet offering have been leaked. The 7-inch tablet is expected to be called Nexus 7 and some of the rumoured specs are as follows.
Who is Google possibly targeting with Nexus 7?Even though whenever someone comes up with a new tablet, the usual comparisons are with Apple iPad. Google is not exactly positioning Nexus-7 as a alternative to iPad but more so as an alternative to the cheaper, yet highly customized Kindle Fire by Amazon. Also looking at the price and specs, it seems Google is setting a standard for other tablet manufacturers making tablets. With Microsoft announcing 'Surface' tablets, we can expect a lot of competition in this niche, which is always a good outcome for customers like you and me. Over the next few days, we will know if the Nexus 7 rumours are true or not. Do drop in your comments. Related posts:
-- This Post Nexus 7: New Tablet by Google! [Rumour] is Published on Devils Workshop . | |||
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Sunday, 24 June 2012
cliqueker ~ talk everything high-tech! – New Ideas For New Generation
cliqueker ~ talk everything high-tech!: "Cool … ... the address here is, so we'd add http :// feeds . to our desktop feed reader. ifttt ... | |||
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Preview Google Fonts on Current Webpage You are Viewing
Web designers spend a lot of time looking up different fonts on their website that can be used. Fonts are very important for two reasons. First is that a good font allows users to read content on the website without any issue. Also the font styling usually should also fit in with the general theme of the website. If you are using Chrome, Google Font Previewer looks like a great extension. It allows the user to look up different fonts and styling on the website you are viewing on your browser. Google Font Previewer FeaturesDownload the Font Previewer extension on your Chrome browser. Now while on any page your are viewing, you click on Previewer icon.
If you are looking up fonts for your website – this extension is a probably the most handy one around on Chrome. Do give it a try and drop in your comments. Link: Google Font Previewer Related: 4 Tools to Compare Installed Fonts -- This Post Preview Google Fonts on Current Webpage You are Viewing is Published on Devils Workshop . | |||
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Friday, 22 June 2012
New Ideas For New Generation: DOWNLOAD Buying Laptop – New … http :// feeds . MakeUseOf. Cool Websites, Software and Internet Tips نوشته شده در دستهبندی . | |||
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Thursday, 21 June 2012
Free Online Image Editor | Pixlr
Adobe Photoshop has always been an amazing product for all Image editing purposes. However, we need to edit photos many times to make it attractive or presentable. However, we are going to see a way to use Adobe Photoshop Software Online. Well, this online editor is similar to Photoshop and works really awesome. Nowadays, Photoshop comes very costly but still we need it for editing purposes. This is where Pixlr Comes to rescue. Pixlr is an Online Image Editing Software. You just need upload your images and start editing them. Pixlr is very handy and easy to use tool. This comes with all the features that a Normal Adobe Photoshop has. If you wish to use any online Image editing Software, then go for Pixlr. Need to Know how Pixlr Editor looks, See the Image below. So, follow this link and wait for some time until the Editing Window fully appears. | |||
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